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SolSync, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 93360843, is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this privacy statement.


The purpose of this statement is to provide you with a clear understanding of how I collect and use personal data from my clients. When you contact me, for example, via email or by other means, you provide me with personal data. I store and process this data. In this privacy statement, I explain why I do this, what happens to your data, and how you can make changes or requests for deletion.



Personal data processed by SolSync

SolSync processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide this data to me yourself. Below is an overview of the personal data I process:

  • Your full name

  • Gender

  • Date of birth

  • Address details

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Data regarding your activities on my website

  • Website

  • Company name

  • Chamber of Commerce number

  • IP address

  • VAT number

  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for example, through, in correspondence, or by telephone.


Special and/or sensitive personal data processed by SolSync

  • Data concerning your health

This data is provided by you.

Purpose and legal basis for processing personal data by SolSync:

  • Handling your payment

  • Maintaining contact with you

  • Informing you about changes in services, programs, and developments. If you no longer wish to receive this, you can unsubscribe by emailing:

  • Sending commercial newsletters

  • Analyzing your behavior on to improve the website and tailor the services offered to your preferences

  • To comply with legal obligations such as those of the Tax Authorities


Retention period

SolSync applies a policy whereby your personal data are not retained for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. In the case of clients and former clients, personal data are retained for up to 1 year after the last business contact. Files are kept for a period of 6 months after the last session. However, an exception applies to SolSync's legal obligation to retain records, including invoices with address details, for a period of 7 years.


Access by third parties

SolSync ensures the confidentiality of your business data and will not sell it to third parties. I will only share your data if necessary for the execution of our business agreement with your company or to comply with legal obligations.


Accessing, modifying, or deleting data

You have the right at all times to access, correct, or have your personal data deleted.

To exercise this right, you can contact SolSync via the following email address: To ensure that the request for access is made by you, I kindly ask you to include a copy of your identity document. Please make your passport photo, MRZ (machine-readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number, and Social Security Number (BSN) unreadable in this copy to protect your privacy. SolSync will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than within four weeks.

I also want to inform you that you have the option to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the national supervisory authority for the protection of personal data. You can do this via the following link:



SolSync reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement. I recommend that you consult this statement regularly for any updates.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or if you wish to request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal data by SolSync, you can contact us via I am there to answer your questions and assist you with any requests regarding your personal data.

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